You asked for it and we prepared it, introducing the all new burger roll. freshly prepared minced beef in our kitchen with your favorite cheddar cheese slice, tomato and lettuce, with our new sauce, rolled in our freshly prepared signature roll, with one
23.0 SAR
Methari Beef Roll Meal
Delicious grilled beef shish kebab with an infusion of the famous spices from bihar region at the foot of himalayas, crisp shredded lettuce, fresh onion slices with the special MT sauce, rolled in our freshly prepared signature roll, with one side of fren
23.0 SAR
Bristro Roll Meal
Savory grilled beef with our recipe, crisp shredded lettuce, fresh onion & tomato slices with the chili dynamite sauce, rolled in our freshly prepared signature roll stuffed with cheddar cheese, with one side of french fries and one soft drink - قطع اللحم
23.0 SAR
Greecious Roll Meal
Grilled greek sheftalia kofta stuffed with melted cheddar cheese, fresh onion & tomato slices with chili dynamite sauce, rolled in our freshly prepared signature roll, with one side of french fries and one soft drink - الكفتة الشفتالية اليونانية المشوية و
23.0 SAR
Mediterranean Fiesta Roll Meal
Tasty grilled chicken shish kebab with the mediterranean spices and flavors, crisp shredded lettuce, fresh tomato slices with the tzatziki sauce, rolled in our freshly prepared signature roll, with one side of french fries and one soft drink - طعم الميديت
23.0 SAR
Methari Chicken Roll Meal
Delicious grilled chicken shish kebab with an infusion of the famous spices from Bihar region at the foot of Himalayas, crisp shredded lettuce, fresh onion slices with the special MT sauce, rolled in our freshly prepared signature roll stuffed with chedda
23.0 SAR
Metstrips Roll Meal
Crunchy american style fried chicken tender strips with our new amazing chili and spicy taste, melted cheddar cheese, crisp shredded lettuce, fresh tomato slices with the chili dynamite sauce and special ranch sauce rolled in our freshly prepared signatur
23.0 SAR
Malai Roll Meal
Tender and creamy grilled chicken shish kebab in indian style, crisp shredded lettuce, fresh onion slices with mayonnaise and fresh chutney sauce, rolled in our freshly prepared signature roll, with one side of french fries and one soft drink - شيش كباب ا
23.0 SAR
Mettikka Roll Meal
Grilled chicken shish kebab with authentic tikka tandoori taste, crisp shredded lettuce, fresh onion slices with mayonnaise and chili dynamite sauce, rolled in our freshly prepared signature roll, with one side of french fries and one soft drink - شيش كبا
23.0 SAR
Italian Zing Roll Meal
Savory grilled chicken shish kebab with the famous Italian oregano recipe, crisp shredded lettuce, fresh onion slices with the special MT sauce, rolled in our freshly prepared signature roll, with one side of french fries and one soft drink - الطعم الإيطا
18.0 SAR
Metroyal Roll
You asked for it and we prepared it, introducing the all new burger roll. freshly prepared minced beef in our kitchen with your favorite cheddar cheese slice, tomato and lettuce, with our new sauce, rolled in our freshly prepared signature roll, just like
16.0 SAR
Methari Beef Roll
Delicious grilled beef shish kebab with an infusion of the famous spices from bihar region at the foot of himalayas, crisp shredded lettuce, fresh onion slices with the special MT sauce, rolled in our freshly prepared signature roll - شيش كباب اللحم البقر
16.0 SAR
Bristro Roll
Savory grilled beef with our recipe, crisp shredded lettuce, fresh onion & tomato slices with the chili dynamite sauce, rolled in our freshly prepared signature roll stuffed with cheddar cheese - قطع اللحم البقري المشوي بخلطة التوابل ذات الطعم المميز، شرا
16.0 SAR
Greecious Roll
Grilled greek sheftalia kofta stuffed with melted cheddar cheese, fresh onion & tomato slices with chili dynamite sauce, rolled in our freshly prepared signature roll - كفتة شفتالية اليونانية المشوية والمحشوة بجبنة الشيدر الذائبة، شرائح البصل والطماطم الط
16.0 SAR
Mediterranean Fiesta Roll
Tasty grilled chicken shish kebab with the mediterranean spices and flavors, crisp shredded lettuce, fresh tomato slices with the tzatziki sauce, rolled in our freshly prepared signature roll - طعم الميديتيرين الرائع مع شيش كباب الدجاج المشوي بخلطة التواب
16.0 SAR
Methari Chicken Roll
Delicious grilled chicken shish kebab with an infusion of the famous spices from Bihar region at the foot of Himalayas, crisp shredded lettuce, fresh onion slices with the special MT sauce, rolled in our freshly prepared signature roll stuffed with chedda
16.0 SAR
Metstrips Roll
Crunchy american style fried chicken tender strips with our new amazing chili and spicy taste, melted cheddar cheese, crisp shredded lettuce, fresh tomato slices with the chili dynamite sauce and special ranch sauce rolled in our freshly prepared signatur
16.0 SAR
Malai Roll
Tender and creamy grilled chicken shish kebab in indian style, crisp shredded lettuce, fresh onion slices with mayonnaise and fresh chutney sauce, rolled in our freshly prepared signature roll - شيش كباب الدجاج المشوي والطري بالكريمة على الطريقة الهندية،
16.0 SAR
Mettikka Roll
Grilled chicken shish kebab with authentic tikka tandoori taste, crisp shredded lettuce, fresh onion slices with mayonnaise and chili dynamite sauce, rolled in our freshly prepared signature roll - شيش كباب الدجاج المشوي بطعم التكا تندورى الأصيل، شرائح ال
16.0 SAR
Italian Zing Roll
Savory grilled chicken shish kebab with the famous Italian oregano recipe, crisp shredded lettuce, fresh onion slices with the special MT sauce, rolled in our freshly prepared signature roll - الطعم الإيطالي الرائع لشيش كباب الدجاج المشوي بخلطة الأوريجانو
12.0 SAR
Summer Roll
Bites of our freshly prepared savory grilled chicken shish kebab with crisp shredded lettuce and cucumber, fresh onion and tomato slices with the signature MT sauce rolled in our freshly signature vietnamese rice roll - طازجة وصحية جدا، قطع من شيش كباب ال
12.0 SAR
Roll Bites
Bites of our freshly prepared, savory grilled chicken shish kebab with fresh onion and carrots slices, freshly cooked red bell pepper with the special sweet chilli sauce rolled in freshly grilled signature spring roll - قطع من شيش كباب الدجاج المشوي والطر
12.0 SAR
Chili Cheese Poppers
Slices of our freshly prepared signature chilli peppers stuffed with chicken and topped up with melted cheese, rolled in crunchy american style fried crust with our new amazing spicy taste - شرائح من الفلفل الرومي الحار الطازجة والمحشي بقطع الدجاج، والمغط
22.0 SAR
Spicy Chicken Strips
Four pieces of our crunchy american style fried chicken tender strips served with our amazing chili and spicy taste, served with two sauces for dips, dynamite and ranch sauce - قطع 4 صدور الدجاج بالخبز المحمص المقرمش على الطريقة الأمريكية بطعم جديد ورائع،
12.0 SAR
Cheese Fries
French fries, topped up with melted cheese, tomato and pickles slices with special MT and ranch sauces - بطاطس مقلية مغطاة بالجبنة الذائبة، شرائح الطماطم الطازجة والمخلل مع صوص ام تى والرانش الخاصة 410 Cal - 410 سعرة حرارية
14.0 SAR
Spicy Cheese Fries
French fries, topped up with melted cheese, jalapeno slices, chili dynamite and special ranch sauces - بطاطس مقلية ومغطاة بالجبنة الذائبة، شرائح الهالابينو مع صوص الديناميت المفلفل والرانش الخاص 412 Cal - 412 سعرة حرارية
12.0 SAR
Cheese Metbites
Bites of our freshly prepared signature roll stuffed with cheddar cheese, topped up with melted cheese, fresh tomato and pickles slices with special ranch sauce - قطع من رول مترولز المميز والمحضر طازجا المحشي بالجبنة الشيدر والمغطى بالجبنة الذائبة، شرائح
14.0 SAR
Spicy Cheese Metbites
Bites of our freshly prepared signature roll stuffed with cheddar cheese, topped up with melted cheese, jalapeno slices, chili dynamite and special ranch sauces - قطع من رول مترولز المميز والمحضر طازجا المحشي بالجبنة الشيدر والمغطى بالجبنة الذائبة، شرائح
6.0 SAR
French Fries
324 Cal - 324 سعرة حرارية
2.0 SAR
MT Sauce
The metrolls special sauce, a taste bud enticing dip entailing special herbs, garlic and mayonnaise - صلصة ميتولز الخاصة، غموس رائع يحتوي على أعشاب خاصة، ثوم ومايونيز 72 Cal - 72 سعرة حرارية
2.0 SAR
Ranch Sauce
A mouth watering combo of buttermilk, cream, garlic, onion and mayonnaise - كومبو شهي من اللبن والقشدة والثوم والبصل والمايونيز 47 Cal - 47 سعرة حرارية
2.0 SAR
Tzatziki Sauce
Homemade greek sauce, made with cucumber, yoghurt and spices, is one of the best dips for grilled meats, goes very well with beef rolls - الصوص اليوناني المحلي الصنع، محضر من الخيار واللبن والتوابل، هو واحد من أفضل أنواع التغميسات للحوم المشوية، ويتناسب ج
2.0 SAR
Chutney Sauce
The goodness of mint and coriander combined with yoghurt, salt and different asian spices to give you a classic dip, an excellent combo for your mettikka and other rolls - نكهة النعناع والكزبرة ممزوجة باللبن والملح والتوابل الآسيوية المختلفة لتمنحك غموسا
2.0 SAR
Dynamite Sauce
A unique take on the dynamite sauce with a delicious mixture of chillies, pepper seasoning, special spices and mayonnaise, great with all types of rolls and sides - مذاق فريد من نوعه على صوص الديناميت مع خليط لذيذ من الفلفل الحار، بهارات الفلفل، البهارات
2.0 SAR
Atomic Sauce
In the mood for a hit of a hot and spicy sauce to go with your roll or sides, try the atomic sauce, combined with red chilli, special spices and mayonnaise - في حالة مزاجية للحصول على القليل من الصلصة الحارة والتوابل مع اللفائف والأطباق الجانبية، جرب أتوم
2.0 SAR
7th Sauce
Our 7th sauce, specially prepared for our new burger roll, metroyal, also goes well with everything else, includes special herbs, tomatoes and mayonnaise - صوصنا السابع، المعد خصيصا للفائف البرجر الجديدة، مترويال، يتناسب أيضا مع كل شيء آخر، بما في ذلك الأ
14.0 SAR
Kids Meal
An option between malai or strips roll, served with french fries, 1 drink and 1 sauce - ملاي أو ستربس الدجاج، مع بطاطس مقلية ومشروب واحد، وصوص واحد
44.0 SAR
Friends Meal Deal
3 Delicious rolls, 1 french fries and 1 sauces - 3 رولز لذيذة مع بطاطس مقلية و1 صوص
89.0 SAR
Family Meal Deal
6 Delicious rolls, 2 french fries, 2 drinks and 6 sauces - 6 رول لذيذ مع 2 بطاطس مقلية و2 مشروب و6 صوصات
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