Cipriani Food – منتجات تشبرياني
Cipriani Food – منتجات تشبرياني
Cipriani Food - Classic Tagliarelle Pasta
A sheet characterized by firmness and softness, two apparently antagonistic qualities, but that true lovers know perfectly, egg pasta must never be al dente, but soft and at the same time consistent, you can better understand its quality by not cooking it
Cipriani Food - Classic Tagliolini Pasta
A format that is unrivaled for delicacy and cooking resistance, angelo, a waiter at harrys bar for many years and one of truman capotes favorites, had very clear ideas about food and always liked to tell customers what they had to eat, since he was usuall
Cipriani Food - Delicate Tagliolini Pasta
The flavor, texture and delicacy of our sheet of pasta to be enjoyed lightly, we separate the egg, using only the noble egg white proteins, to create a new, even simpler and tastier specialty, all shellfish can be served with tagliolini, the best way to c
Cipriani Food - Tagliarelle Pasta with Spinach
This is the spinach version of our maltagliati The format and the extraordinary cooking resistance make the tagliardi very versatile; excellent also for the preparation of baked lasagne - شكلها استثنائي ومتعددة الاستخدامات؛ ممتازة لتحضير اللازانيا المخبو
Cipriani Food - Pappardelle Pasta
The classic cipriani pasta sheet, an inimitable combination of subtlety and elasticity, soft and with an extraordinary yield - شرائح المعكرونة الكلاسيكية من شبرياني، مزيج لا يضاهى من الدقة، المرونة والنعومة
Cipriani Food - 30% Protein Tagliarelle Pasta
Balance, energy and naturalness are the qualities of this specialty food, ideal for those who do a lot of sport, a few more minutes in boiling water to enjoy this format which, also in this version, welcomes abundant condiments such as tomato and meat bas
Cipriani Food - Spaghetti Pasta
The italian eating icon, ours are slightly thicker, we love them meaty and al dente, as for all artisanal pasta it is always better to monitor their consistency and even drain them a fraction the indicated cooking time on the package - رمز من رموز الأكل ا
Cipriani Food - Fusilli Pasta
With their beautiful spiral design, they perfectly absorb every condiment, you can enjoy them one minute before the suggested cooking time - تمتص تماماً كل البهارات والصلصات بفضل تصميمها الحلزوني، يمكنك الاستمتاع بها وتناولها قبل دقيقة واحدة من وقت الطهي
Cipriani Food - Rigatoni Pasta
It is the pasta we offer with gricia or amatriciana condiments in our restaurants, one of the great classics of italian cuisine, expression of the genius of our rural heritage - تقدم مع توابل الجريشيا أو الامتريشانا في مطاعمنا، احدى كلاسيكيات المطبخ الإيط
Cipriani Food - Penne Pasta
The order arrives the next day - الطلب يصل اليوم التالي Organic durum wheat semolina - سميد القمح القاسي العضوي Organic, vegan, lactose free, milk free - منتج عضوي، نباتي، خالي من اللاكتوز، خالي من الحليب
Cipriani Food - Tagliardi Pasta
Tagliardi these are the cipriani interpretation of the maltagliati they come in squares of about 3 centimeters by 3, the particular format makes them very versatile, they are perfect dipped in our original pasta and beans recipe, ingredients durum wheat s
Cipriani Food - Tagliardi Pasta with Spinach
This is the spinach version of our maltagliati, the format and the extraordinary cooking resistance make the tagliardi very versatile: excellent also for the preparation of baked lasagne, ingredients: durum wheat semolina, egg 25% and spinach powder 2% -
Cipriani Food - Delicate Tagliarelle Pasta
Ingredients: durum wheat semolina, egg-white (30%) - المكونات: سميد القمح القاسي، بياض البيض %30) Product information: vegetarians, lactose free, milk free - معلومات المنتج: نباتي، خالي من اللاكتوز، خالي من الحليب Made in italy - صنع في إيطاليا
Cipriani Food - Tagliolini Pasta with Spinach
Ingredients: durum wheat semolina, egg (25%) & spinach powder (2%) - المكونات: سميد القمح القاسي والبيض (25%) وبودرة السبانخ (2%) Product information: vegetarians, lactose free, milk free - معلومات المنتج: نباتي، خالي من اللاكتوز، خالي من الحليب Ma
Cipriani Food - Tagliolini 30% Protein
Balance, energy and naturalness are the qualities of this specialty food, ideal for those who do a lot of sport. A few more minutes in boiling water to enjoy this format which, also in this version, welcomes abundant condiments such as tomato and meat-bas
Cipriani Food - Sansovina Sauce
A light onion saute is the basis of this sauce, whose absolute protagonist is the maremmano tomato, a basil leaf perfumes it and gently tastes it, a quick saute is enough and the sauce is immediately ready to season our pasta, the best way to replicate th
Cipriani Food - Pomodoro Tomato Sauce
A maremman tomato with an intense taste, characterized by the right balance between acidity and sugars, cultivated in a land kissed by the sun and the air of the tyrrhenian sea that gives a natural moisture to the product, no added salt, no citric acid, t
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
Organic apple cider 100% made in Italy, ingredients: apple juice - خل التفاح العضوي 100% إيطالي، المكونات: عصير التفاح
Cipriani Food - Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Gentle but with character, it does not prevail on the taste of the other ingredients but it exalts them, this extra virgin olive oil, given its light fruity taste and delicate aroma befits the preparation of dishes which are part of the tradition of harry
Cipriani Food - Bellini
White peach puree and soda cocktail, a great drink for everyone - كوكتيل من هريس الخوخ الأبيض والصودا، مشروب رائع ومناسب للجميع Alcohol free - خالي من الكحول 180 Ml / 1 Pack - 180 مل / علبة واحدة
Indian Tonic Water
Ingredients: water, sugar, carbon dioxide, acid: citric acid; natural flavoring, flavoring quinine hydrochloride - المكونات: مياه، سكر، ثاني أكسيد الكربون، محمضات: حمض السيريك، نكهات، المنهكة هيدروكلوريد الكينن
Mediterranean Tonic Water
Sparkling drink: ingredients: water, sugar, carbon dioxide, acid: citric acid; natural flavoring, flavoring quinine hydrochloride - مشروب غازي: المكونات: مياه، سكر، ثاني أكسيد الكربون، محمضات: حمض السيريك، نكهات، المنهكة هيدروكلوريد الكينن
Bellini Sorbet
Ingredients: water, sugar, white peach paste, glucose syrup, inulin, sugar compound, lemon juice - المكونات: مياه، سكر، معجون الخوخ الأبيض، شراب الجلكوز، انولين مركب سكر، عصير ليمون Stabilizers: soluble gelatin - مثبتات: جيلاتين قابل للذوبان Thicke
Vanilla Gelato
Ingredients: whole milk, cream, sugar, egg yolk 11%, glucose, skimmed milk powder thickeners: locust bean gum, vanilla berries - المكونات: حليب كامل الدسم، قشدة، سكر، صفار بيض 11%، جلوكوز، مكثفات مسحوق الحليب منزوع الدسم: الفانيلا، توت الفانيلا May co
Chocolate Gelato
Ingredients: whole milk, cream, sugar, cocoa 7% , glucose syrup, egg , yolk, dark chocolate 3%: cocoa mass, sugar, low-fat cocoa powder, emulsifier, soy locust, natural vanilla flavoring, lecithin - المكونات: حليب كامل الدسم، قشدة، سكر، كاكاو 7%، شراب جل
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