Samra wants to present you a precious gift that can only be described as a colorful bundle of joy, delicious & crisp handcrafted macarons with many charming flavors .. Hurry to get it before everyone else! - تود سمراء أن تقدم لك هدية ثمينة لا يمكن وصفها
30.0 SAR
Macaron - 5 Pcs
Samra wants to present you a precious gift that can only be described as a colorful bundle of joy, delicious & crisp handcrafted macarons with many charming flavors .. Hurry to get it before everyone else! - تود سمراء أن تقدم لك هدية ثمينة لا يمكن وصفه
How to get to Samra |سمراء
2998 Al Tahliyah St, Al Aqiq, Riyadh 13515 7114, Saudi Arabia
+12429 Restaurants
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